
How to Make a Napkin Fold Card

ALERT!  ALERT!  I just crashed my mom's post so I could share the Napkin Fold Card I just finished making.  I used the directions my mom gave in this post.

This card was surprisingly easy to put together.  And it really didn't take very long.  :-)
The inside view is even prettier!  I had SO MUCH FUN.  I hope this post inspires you to give this fold card a try.  :-)
Okay, Mom.  I'm leaving the rest of this post as is.  Thanks for letting me crash in.  :-)
Love, Brenda

How to Make a Napkin Fold Card

My first card was the black & white card and it measured 6" square when it was finished.  After I had finished it I was a little overwhelmed by it's size.  I decided to make it a little smaller and those are the directions I will lay out in the tutorial.

Keep in mind you can make it any size you would like.

My finished card measures 4 1/4" X  4 1/4 "  I started with a piece of paper measuring
8 1/2" X 8 1/2".  
Measuring from corner to corner diagonally with a ruler, you will find the center.  I added soft pencil lines to help me line everything up as I progressed through the card.  These lines can easily be erased later.

Now fold in 2 1/8" around all four sides.  Use the center point to guide you.  Make sure the paper meets neatly in the center and crease the four folds you created.  Then, unfold the folds and lay the paper flat for the next step.

Now, using your center point and the pencil lines, bring in the outer corners into the center.  Push the paper down to create a fold.  Use the picture above to assist you in what it should look like. 

Repeat this with each corner for a total of four new folds. 

Helpful tip: Be sure to use your bone folder and crease in both directions of each fold you make. This helps the finished card lay better.

Now that you have folded all your corners in you should end up with a triangle shape on each of the sides.  Can you see them in the picture above?  The really obvious on is at the top of the picture.
With the larger triangle (the one with the arrow on each side in the picture), push it in onto the center of the card.  Look how I did it in the picture. 
Once you do this the remaining folds will more easily fall into place.  Do this with all the larger triangles on each side. 

You will end up with a square on each of the corners if done correctly.  See it in the lower left corner of the picture above?

You should now have squares in each of the corners of the card.
Fold back the inner corner of each square to meet with the outer corner of the same square.  Do this to all four squares.

The picture above shows what it looks like after you've done two of the corners.  Make sure you do all four.  :-)

Are you hanging in there?  It seems like a lot of instructions, but I really just wanted to be thorough.  Truthfully, the folding is done.  Now it's time to decorate!

From here on out, it's just a matter of layering paper.
You will need one 4" square of colored cardstock plus one 3 3/4" square piece of white for the middle of the card.  (Layer the two squares and adhere to the middle of the card.)
You will also need three, 3 3/4" squares to make triangles from.

Take one of the squares.  Cut it diagonally to make two triangles.

Cut those two triangles down the middle to make to more triangles.  You should have a total of four "large" triangles.

Glue the four "large" triangles onto the card base so it looks like the picture above.

Next, you will need to make the smaller triangles.  To do this, you will use the remaining two squares of paper that you cut.  One at a time, cut them diagonally to make two triangles, just like the last step.  However, instead of stopping at four triangles, you will keep cutting down the middle of the triangles until you get a total of eight triangles per paper square----for a grand total of 16 "smaller" triangles.

Glue the smaller triangles onto the card base like the picture above--centering each piece in the fold lines.  Almost done!
Re-fold along the fold lines (like you did at the very beginning of this post).

Create a simple belly band to hold the card closed.

The belly band was also cut at 8 1/2" in length.  You can make yours as wide as you'd like.  Just attach it to the back of a scallop circle like the one in the picture above.

(Make sure to give the band plenty of room to move.  In other words, don't make the band too tight around the card or it won't slide off easily.)

Well I hope you have fun with this fold.  It can be a lot of fun.  Enjoy!!

Thanks for stopping by!  Sending Smiles, Joanie


Miriam Prantner said...

Wonderful tutorial! I love how you ladies are always showing us fun folds....this is one I've been thinking about attempting for a just looks so complicated, but this seems doable!

Lynn said...

Great tutorial. Something else I will want to try.

Anonymous said...

I've seen these this week on a craft site, I looked at a few, decided I needed a 'hoogie?' board. Then I saw your demo!! No hoogie board, no special stuff, just so easy! Thank you so much, I've made my first one this morning. All my Christmas cards are going to like this! Jean xx

CraftingMomma said...

Followed your instructions and came our owrfect, first try. Thanks

Ingrid M said...

I love how intricate and beautiful this napkin fold card is.